Video advertising is a disruptive force in the marketing arsenal, a deadly weapon in an age where consumers are bombarded with information on a daily basis.

Attracting attention, ease of persuasion, and controlling decisions and feelings are all characteristics of video advertising.

Follow this post with me to understand why is video advertising effective?

1: Audiovisual stimulation of video Advertising

Our brains process and analyze visual information about 55 thousand times faster than text, and eighty percent of the information transmitted to the brain is visual information.

This is logical and normal, as humans are visual creatures by nature.

We conclude from this that the content within any marketing clip can attract attention and be remembered more than any advertising text.

Visual and auditory stimuli within a video make it a multi-sensory experience.

A well-designed video ad can create deep emotional sensations and impacts in the recipient’s heart and mind, making the message in the video ad more memorable.

Stories told visually and audibly create a lasting impression on the recipient, which is essential to making your brand stick in the consumer’s mind.

2: Get Engagement and Higher Conversion Rates

Video content increases engagement across platforms, especially social media.
It is highly sought after due to the number of views, comments and likes that a well-crafted video generates.

Unlike images and texts, which generate much less engagement, this is evident in the visibility and reach of your brand.

Studies prove that video ads bring in more conversions than text and images.

According to recent studies, adding a video to your landing page can increase conversions by up to 80%.

Showing a video that contains solutions to consumer problems, pain points and concerns basically helps in increasing the conversion rate and thus increasing profits, it is a simple but effective equation.

3: The Rise of Mobile Viewing

The percentage of video views via mobile is increasing annually at very high rates.

As people in this era have become consumers of marketing videos almost constantly, watching them at home, on the street, at work, on the train, on the bus, almost anywhere, and all this is thanks to smartphones.

For advertisers, this is a huge opportunity to reach audiences and increase brand awareness, only these video advertising must be dedicated to smartphones to gain more attention and views.

4: Raise your site’s ranking on search engines

Dedicating and publishing an explanatory video in an article on your website is very useful in increasing the appearance rate of that article on the first page of search engines.

SEO experts indicate that adding a video to your article is very important for the health of your site’s performance in search engines.

This is because Google considers that videos provide a distinguished experience for the user, and this is what the platform seeks, as the user is its highest priority before advertisers, of course.

And add to your knowledge that a well-crafted video clip and an attractive title with some punctuation and exclamation marks and a brief description can bring you visits from search engines and social media platforms.

One of the advantages that you should not overlook is that adding a video to your site increases the amount of time users spend on your site.

5: The adaptability of Video Advertising Content

The diversity of video advertising axes is the most important advantage of this type of marketing.

Videos can be used in various stages of the marketing funnel, from awareness to consideration to decision. 

Different types of videos, such as explainer videos, product demos, customer testimonials, and brand stories, can cater to different audience needs and preferences.

  • Explanatory videos are intended to explain the service, product, and brand.
  • Customer testimonial videos build trust and reassurance in the recipient.
  • Brand story videos are important for building an emotional connection with the user

6: UGC impact

People look at the actions and opinions of others to determine their own opinions, and this is an interesting scientific fact.

it can be used in the field of electronic and television marketing, and here comes the term user-generated content (UGC) or social proof.

This type of advertising videos is used by companies to build blind trust with the viewer

Measurable and traceable

Video advertising and tracking the number of views, likes and comments is a pivotal process in determining and measuring the success of the advertising video.

Thanks to the development in the field of advertising on social media platforms, we now have the right to access important and valuable information such as:

  • Views and viewing time.
  • Number of shares.
  • Conversion rate and clicks.

This data allows you to assess the effectiveness of your video campaigns and make data-driven decisions to optimize future efforts.

Building Trust and Credibility

The decision is based on trust, and trust is earned, not given. If the customer is not confident in the product or service provided to him, he will not complete the purchase process.

Therefore, advertising videos, especially those that show the human side, human faces and eyes, convey feelings of sympathy, joy, or even curiosity, and are able to build sufficient conviction in the mind of the viewer to become a consumer of the service or product.

If you can provide explanatory videos showing your experience in your field, you will be able to build a very important idea in the consumer’s mind, which is that your brand is the dominant one in the field you are in and that your brand is a reference for trust and has weight in the commercial market.

The Shareability Factor

You have posted a useful and interesting video in a well-crafted and not exaggerated way. Be sure that it will spread and be shared among people like wildfire, as videos are by nature spreadable.

Which will expand the reach and visibility of your brand, when viewers find a video entertaining, useful or inspiring, they are more likely to share it with their network.

High views mean many visits to your site, and this is of course what we aspire to achieve.

Many platforms such as Facebook, TikTok and Instagram give priority to videos, especially advertising videos.
They are the source of livelihood for these platforms.


Video advertising is a dynamic and effective marketing tool that can significantly enhance your brand’s visibility, engagement, and conversions. 

Its ability to capture attention, convey messages compellingly, and leverage the power of visuals and audio makes it an indispensable component of any marketing strategy. 

By embracing video advertising and optimizing your content for various platforms, you can tap into the growing audience of mobile viewers, improve your SEO, and drive more traffic to your website or growing your Email list.

The versatility of video content allows you to address different stages of the customer journey, while social proof and user-generated content build trust and credibility.

Categories: Blog


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